At the meeting of the General Assembly, Thursday June 20th, 2019, the members of the French National Association of Research Technology, comprised of 350 businesses, universities, and public organizations of research, elected Pierre-Marie Lehucher to the Board of Directors for a term of 4 years.

Pierre-Marie Lehucher, CEO of Berger-Levrault and President of Tech In France, welcomes his integration into the premier network of research and technology in France. The ANRT, led by Thierry Breton, is an intersectoral actor who brings together public and private stakeholders in research and innovation.

Berger-Levrault, a medium sized company who is the 12th largest software publisher in France, develops innovative solutions for the public and private sector and healthcare industry, has been an active member of ANRT for several years.

The company currently hosts 6 doctoral students and is engaged in about thirty different digital research collaboration programs on various topics such as artificial intelligence, interoperability or IoT.

This election to the Board of Directors is « excellent news that will allow medium sized Berger-Levrault to bring an enlightened vision of research and innovation to this extremely important institution of research in France ».

Pierre-Marie Lehucher, Chief Executive Officer at Berger-Levrault.

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